Saturday, June 13, 2009

Canadian Online Application Form Goes QR

BeQRious - QR Code - QR Code Generator - QR Creator - Cell Phone Bar Code Maker: "
QR code generator

The Canadian government is really catching onto the QR Code thing. They’ve set up an online passport application form here and any Canadian can use it to apply for a passport or renew it. The difference now is that the Canadian passport online application form contains a dynamic QR Code which changes along with any information that you place in it.

Hence, when the applicant is done providing all the information needed for the passport application, the QR Code would reveal pertinent information like the name, given name, original name (if any), birth place, both mailing address and the address of current residence.

How does this make life simpler? For one, it would make processing much faster and the applicant can download the QR Code for his or her own use. Traveling, in the future, would be seamless with the mobile phone QR Code.

I know of many governments in other countries giving applicants the option of applying or renewing their passports online but this is a first for me. And it’s a good first."

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